Groomers: Carers and care professionals
This page is under development - please be patient as we collate the necessary resources, and feel free to call us for help on 07771 817015 (UK number +44) - also available on Skype
What grooming by carers and care professionals looks like
Groomed for Money
With permission from the family who asked the question - our advice when someone they loved was groomed by a carer: Groomed for Money
Cruel Carers who Stole From and Abused the People they were supposed to care for
Well done Lancashire Live for exposing them and what they’ve done.
Care Worker Groomed Vulnerable Woman
Care worker Richard Buchanan groomed his victim until she felt that he loved her.
She was accessible as an object of his sexual interest, and didn’t resist advances because she was not able.
The judge made a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and told Buchanan he must sign on the sex offender register, indefinately.
Telegraph and Argus: Care worker groomed highly vulnerable woman then had sex with her in a toilet
Due to the delicate situation when a loved one is being groomed by a carer in particular, CAAGe has in the past acted as ‘whistleblower’ and raised concerns regarding individuals with the appropriate people. This is not something we undertake lightly, but where is considerable cause for concern, on occasion we may be able to help. Our experience has almost always been positive with concerned authorities anxious to safeguard, as well as to find help for rogue employees where appropriate.
Carers UK has put together a great guide to making complaints about a care service: Making complaints https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/practical-support/arranging-care-and-support-for-someone/making-complaints/
Where to find support
CAAGe: Sources of Legal Support
One of the most profound consequences of being groomed is the target’s mental health, from confidence issues through to suicidal thoughts.
CAAGe has put together a guide to help: How to access mental health support
Support spoecifically for male victims of abuse: https://mensadviceline.org.uk/what-to-expect/
Victim Supoort can offer all kinds of resources, including help preparing to report to the police and to go to court: Victim Support website